How to Grow and Care for Tiger Lilies

How Many Watts Does a Fridge Use? Energy Efficient Guide

The Best States for Off Grid Living: Unplugged and Thriving

The Best Hacks for Vertical Gardening Plants for Small Spaces!

Best Tips for Improving Your Garden’s Fertility: Organic Gardening Soil

How To Plan An Exciting Easter Egg Hunt In Your Spring Garden!

Everything You Will Need for Sourdough Bread Baking

Why Winter Sowing is a Game Changer for Successful Spring Planting

How to Have an Eco-Friendly Christmas

Proven Hacks to Make Your Christmas Tree Survive

Self-Sufficient Homesteading

Why Teach Fossils to Kids: A Simple Survival Lesson

It is essential to teach fossils to kids to show them how ecosystems respond to and recover from extinctions from climate changes and how they adapt for survival. Fossils are our connection to our lives from the past, present, and future. We can learn how and why the plants or animals died in our area simply by studying their fossils. CLICK TO READ MORE.