How to Learn 58 Self-Sufficient Skills Right Now

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Self-sufficient skills.

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This is the place you have come to learn a ton of self-sufficient skills and you want to learn them right now. I have said many times, becoming self-sufficient is the best gift you can give yourself. Learn these proven self-sufficient skills right now to improve your independent lifestyle, prep your home, and rely less on outside resources. While we will never be 100% self-reliant, we can become as self-sufficient as possible with these amazing skills.

Learn how to garden, raise backyard animals, cook without electricity, preserve your food, hunt and fish, homemaking skills, bread making, prep your pantry, survival skills, and how to teach your kids to be self-sufficient too!

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Self-Sufficient Skills: Gardening

self sufficient skills

1. Kitchen/Garden Herb Gardening

Grow a vegetable garden and supplement your grocery bill and grow the produce you purchase often. Start growing medicinal herbs and reap the benefits of enjoying powerful homemade salves, tinctures, teas, and so much more. Learn more about the 16 Best Medicinal Herbs to Grow in Your Garden Now.

Grow the best medicinal herbs in your garden and save money with expensive herbs. Learn more about the Powerful Health Benefits of Holy Basil and Its Effects and the Powerful Health Benefits of Garlic and Its Effects as well as the Powerful Health Benefits of Spearmint and Its Effects.

2. Greenstalk Deck/Balcony Gardening

You can still grow tons of food in small spaces using a Greenstalk that grows vertically on your deck, balcony, or patio. Visit my friend’s blog Becoming a Farm Girl where she does an amazing job growing a lot of food on her deck.

3. Self-Sufficient Skills in Foodscaping

Turn your manicured lawn into a beautiful foodscape where you can secretly grow a ton of food and harvest delicious goodies. Many vegetable plants grow gorgeous flowers and foliage and if grown together, you end up with a nice edible landscape. Learn more about How to Grow A Foodscape Garden From Scratch

4. Backyard Micro-Orcharding

Learn Why You Need to Start Micro-Orcharding in Your Backyard and How to Make Your Backyard a Snack Yard and grow your own fruit trees, berry bushes, perennial vegetables and so much more. When you grow the fruits and vegetables that are perennial in nature, you get to plant them once and harvest them forever and get a ton of free food!

5. Composting Methods

Composting is a very self-sufficient skill to learn and adapt to any lifestyle. You do not need a large yard with a compost pile. You can compost in an apartment and use the compost for container gardening or in a Greenstalk on your deck, balcony, or patio.

Keep a lightweight compost tumbling bin on your deck, balcony, or patio, and provide your potted plants with healthy organic compost.

Grab yourself a VermiHut and begin your sustainable vermiculture journey and provide healthy organic compost for your garden. This is a neat way to do worm farming for compost in any living environment with this easy worm bin setup.

6. Self-Sufficient Skills in Seed-Saving

As you garden, you should learn how to save the seeds and store them for the next growing season. It is also a good idea to start collecting the Best Survival Seed Vaults to Stockpile for a Crisis and keep them in your pantry.

7. Climate-Friendly Gardening

Learn How to Plant A Climate-Friendly Garden and grow a garden that helps reduce emissions of greenhouse gases that gardens can produce and encourage the absorption of carbon dioxide from the soil and plants to aid in the reduction of global warming.

You may think your little home garden cannot make a difference in the combat against climate change, however, it does in comparison to other gardeners who are growing and building healthy plants and fertile soils in your community and around the globe.

8. Attracting Pollinators

Discover How to Attract Pollinators to Improve Your Garden Harvest and learn what to plant and what to install in your garden to attract daytime and nighttime shift pollinators to provide pollinating services in your garden 24/7.

9. Survival Garden

Explore Why I Built A Survival Garden in My Backyard and why you should too. The cost of food keeps rising as well as everything else. We can take action and provide healthy home-grown food for our families and cut the cost of our grocery bills. 

10. Square Foot Garden

Plant a Square Foot Garden, which is a popular gardening method in the suburbs considering how much food you can grow and harvest from a square-foot garden. Since yards have become smaller, people have migrated to square-foot gardening rather than the traditional rows of gardening that require a lot of gardening space.

Sign up for my blog and receive your FREE Square Foot Garden Printable Planner that others have loved and enjoyed. In this planner, you get grid layout plans, what to plant per square foot space, how many of each plant to plant per square foot space, printable garden markers, and so much more.

11. Companion Planting

It is a good idea to learn How to Do Companion Planting: Friends or Foes? Plants that like each other, attract beneficial insects and pollinators to each other as well as repel pesky enemies to keep each other safe, happy, and healthy. Remember your tight-knit friend group in school when you all looked out for each other? Keeping your enemies out and your friends in is exactly the same thing that plants like to do too.

When you keep their foes away from them, you will be preventing your garden from acquiring diseases and pests and find that you do not need extra help with chemicals just to be successful. If you skip companion planting in your garden, you are more likely to resort to using chemicals on your plants. Grow a happy garden!

12. Potato Patch for Survival

Potatoes are a survival food, therefore discover Why Growing a Potato Patch Is Important for Survival. Growing homegrown potatoes in your backyard provides your family with a deliciously healthy and versatile vegetable. You can turn a potato into so many recipes that these vegetables should be a staple in your yard and pantry.

Growing a potato patch in just ten square feet can provide you with eighty to one hundred pounds of potatoes! Potatoes can be grown year-round, stored long-term in their whole form, provide endless seed potatoes, versatile in dishes, and are delicious.

Self-Sufficient Skills: Backyard Animals

self sufficient skills chickens and rabbits

13. Backyard Chickens

Backyard chickens can provide your family with eggs and sometimes meat if you wish. A small family can keep three to four hens for a good egg supply. Backyard chickens can also help keep your yard and garden pest free as they are let out daily to peck and feast on pesky bugs that annoy us and our plants. When you clean out the coop, you end up with free organic compost matter.

14. Backyard Bunnies

For some, backyard bunnies are kept for meat. For most, a great reason to keep backyard bunnies is for their free abundant fertilizer for your garden! The best thing about bunny manure is that it can be added directly to the garden soil for fertilizer without heading to the compost first! Bunny manure will not burn the plants and is safe to amend and fertilize the soil all season long.

15. Backyard Goats

If you are able and lucky enough to keep backyard goats, you can learn how to make your own dairy products. Backyard goats come in small sizes like the Nigerian Dwarf Goat, which are perfect to keep in backyards because of their pet size. They can be kept in a pen and let out daily to play and run around. Small goats can keep well in dog pens with small houses and fun play structures. They are a lot of fun! I had goats growing up!

Goats are social animals and do not do well alone so be sure if you get one, get two! Two small goats are plenty to provide a small family with more than enough supply of free milk!

16. Beekeeping

Beekeeping is a unique hobby that can provide your family with free honey and pollination services for your garden. There are a ton of helpful beekeeping products available on the market to help you successfully become a beekeeper and supply your family with yearly free honey! With less than $200, you can start a fun journey of beekeeping with a starter kit that supplies everything you need to get started including the beekeeper protection gear!

Self-Sufficient Skills: Cooking Without Electricity

self sufficient skills woodstove cooking

17. Buying and Cooking on a Woodburning Stove

Cook your food on Wood Burning Stoves. Think about this, it is in the dead of winter. The weather keeps getting worse and colder. The weather channel just stated that a huge winter storm is coming in and power outages are likely. Don’t be caught in a winter power outage without a reliable off-grid heating source. Owning a wood-burning stove can help keep your home warm and help you heat food and boil water. Read more about Wood Burning Stoves for Off Grid Survival: My Top 5: This Is What Preppers Do.

18. Building and Cooking on a Rocket Stove

Build yourself an off-grid rocket stove in my easy step-by-step full tutorial on How to Build an Off Grid Rocket Stove for Survival. Rocket stoves are amazing and let me tell you why! They do not take up much space, are fuel efficient, cook food, boil water, and keep you warm. They are easy to build yourself. Rocket stoves are basically used as one stove burner of a regular stove. This is an easy, but efficient build. If I can build this rocket stove, so can you!

Self-Sufficient Skills: Food Preservation

self sufficient skills canning food

19. Self-Sufficient Skills in Canning Food

Home canning your food is a wonderful way to preserve your garden produce or save money when you buy produce in bulk. You can stock your pantry with healthy foods that you have canned yourself that will last a very long time. Go ahead and buy those bulk food items and learn how to can them and grow and prep your pantry!

Having a delicious stockpile of homemade and home-canned AND homegrown if possible jams and jellies can help provide your family with many different tastes. Slather these jams and jellies on biscuits, toast, pancakes, waffles, ice cream, yogurt, oatmeal, and anything else you can think of to add extra special touches to your meals.

I have made a delicious jam and jelly collection to help you stockpile your pantry with fun and yummy jams and jellies you cannot find at the grocery store!

Each recipe has my full tutorial for preparing and canning these jams and jellies from tried and true recipes, which can be found on my Jam with Me page!

20. Self-Sufficient Skills in Dehydrating/Freeze Drying Food

I air-dry all of my home-grown herbs in my basement pantry. You can preserve your herbs by air drying them by hanging them in bundles upside down or in the dehydrator. Some herbs taste better when they have been through the freeze dryer rather than the dehydrator, like cilantro, garlic, and onions. Whatever way works best for you, go ahead and preserve your herbs either by air drying, dehydrating, or freeze-drying them. Place them in air-tight containers and they will keep for a very long time.

Self-Sufficient Skills: Hunting and Fishing

hunting and fishing

21. Self-Sufficient Skills in Hunting

If you have always wanted to learn how to hunt, it is never too late. Take the hunter’s safety course and learn what gear and supplies you will need and go get your food and stock your freezer.

My dad would come home with a huge deer and we would all butcher it as a family. It usually lasted for hours and we had an assembly line set up in the kitchen as we each did a different task. I remember grinding the meat through the grinder for ground meat while my sister and my dad butchered large parts of the deer for steaks. My mom and other sister would package all the meat and all of this went off to the freezer.

Family History Memory!

When I was growing up, my dad was a hunter. He does not hunt much these days if at all, though I do remember the annual big hunting trip he went out on with my grandpa and some other men in the family. While they were gone, which was around the Christmas season, my mom and my sisters would decorate the house for the holidays to surprise him when he came home. He always loved that!

22. Self-Sufficient Skills in Fishing

I come from a family with a love of fishing. I do not fish much myself, actually never. Though my parents and sisters are very much into fishing. My parents will take my sons out on the lake in their big fishing boat and my boys would have the time of their lives fishing with them. They would munch on chips, drink some soda and catch some fish. My kids would always catch fish. If their line was in the water, a fish would hook itself to it, always.

Once the fishing day was over, everyone got to jump over the boat and cool off in the lake and enjoy the fun summer day.

Go catch yourself some fish, have some fun, and stock your freezer!

Self-Sufficient Skills: Homemaking


23. Clotheslining: Ditching Your Dryer

Believe it or not, but one of my favorite household chores is hanging clothes on the line! I love my clothesline! I save lots of energy and money by drying my family’s clothes on the clothesline.

Get yourself into the practice of hanging up clothes several times a month if you are not committed to ditching your dryer completely.

24. Self-Sufficient Skills in Sewing

Sewing is a handy skill to have. You can save money when you learn how to sew and mend clothes. For example, one winter, one of my son’s coat’s zipper broke off and he needed a new coat, or so he thought. I just went to the store to buy a brand new coat zipper for only $3.00 and sewed the new one on his winter coat. This saved me lots of money since I did not have to buy a brand new winter coat, which is not cheap!

You can also sew a lot of items to use in your home like making a beautiful quilt. One day, this is a challenge I want to do myself. I want to sew a gorgeous quilt for my living room couch!

25. Knitting and Crocheting

Knitting and crocheting is a fun skill to learn. I learned many fun stitches just by watching YouTube tutorials or by visiting Studio Knit where there are a ton of free patterns to learn!

Over the years, I have learned to knit dishcloths, pumpkins, pot mats, mug rugs, snowmen, pie hot pads, Christmas ornaments, Christmas stockings, and so many other fun projects. Typically, I sit and knit in the evenings in the fall and winter months. I have no desire to knit or crochet during the summer or spring months and I do not know why that is.

If I am working on a project, I know I have only a few months to get it done or else it will have to wait a year before I feel like knitting or crocheting again. Though it is a fun winter craft I enjoy it!

26. Hand Washing Dishes

Hand-washing dishes is not practiced enough in my life and I admit it. Most of us have and use a dishwasher, thank goodness for this modern invention! Sometimes, it is necessary since we live extremely busy and tiresome lives. Though, sometimes I like to slow down and hand wash my dishes to save my household energy and water use. Hand washing dishes is NOT my favorite chore, though I try my best to only reserve my dishwasher use for days when I am very tired.

Self-Sufficient Skills: Bread Making


27. White Bread

Making your own homemade white bread is such a satisfying feeling and accomplishment. It is a fun skill to master and you will feel wonderful each time you bake bread in your home. I have been making bread for over ten years. You can provide delicious homemade white bread for your dinner table any time of the year. The holidays make bread-making even better! Set aside some time to learn How to Make the Best White Bread: Recipe for Beginners in my full step-by-step recipe tutorial.

28. Artisan Bread

Have a try at learning How to Make Artisan Bread. Each homemade artisan bread I have ever made turned out different each time. Scoring techniques can be applied to an artisan bread loaf to make shapes and designs. In my experience, even scoring the same exact design on a loaf can turn out differently when baked each time. This keeps bread-making fun and interesting!

29. Cinnamon Rolls

Providing homemade cinnamon rolls can help improve your life with comfort and joy and sweetness. This recipe can be made in large batches and kept in the freezer in ziplock bags ready to pull out as many as you wish for the second rise. Make time to learn How to Make Easy Cinnamon Rolls.

These soft warm gooey cinnamon rolls are so delicious and easy to make for anyone who has been intimidated by the daunting task of making homemade cinnamon rolls. Check out the yummiest cinnamon swirl of these wonderfully easy cinnamon rolls! 

30. Thanksgiving Breaded Cornucopia

For Thanksgiving this year, learn How to Make a Thanksgiving Breaded Cornucopia and make your holiday cheese board more interesting by making a Thanksgiving breaded cornucopia. P.S. It’s easier than you may think!

31. Rustic No Knead Bread

With this no-knead rustic bread recipe, you can always have homemade artisan bread for dinner. This recipe is so easy that you can prepare the dough in the morning or night and place it in your fridge for a slow rise for up to twelve hours until you are ready to toss it in the oven. With a few ingredients and no messy hands, you get a delicious rustic-looking artisan homemade bread to feed your family! Make your life easier and learn How to Make No Knead Rustic Bread: A Hands-Off Approach.

32. One-Hour Dinner Rolls

Making easy one-hour dinner rolls is a life changer for busy weeknights and holidays when you are trying to multitask in the kitchen and want delicious homemade dinner rolls fast. With this recipe, you can whip up a fresh homemade batch of dinner rolls for your family and showcase a winner dinner. Take a peek at this easy recipe tutorial and learn How to Make Easy One-Hour Dinner Rolls for your family. Flash freeze these dinner rolls and keep them in zip-lock bags before the second rise. Whenever you want to serve dinner rolls, just pull out a few to rise and bake.

33. 6 Braided Challah Bread

There is no more beautiful way to fancy up your dinner table than displaying a 6-braided challah bread, especially during the holidays. You can’t go wrong making this 6-braided challah bread even if it is your very first time. This post is full of step-by-step instructions including photos and a video clip showing how to braid a 6-strand bread. Learn How to Make a 6-Braided Challah Bread.

34. Sweet Bread

Sweet bread is so incredibly easy to whip up only taking up five minutes of prep time. It only requires staple pantry ingredients making it a pretty simple and cheap delicious dessert bread that is perfect for breakfast, snacks, or evening desserts. Sweet bread only requires pantry staple ingredients like flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, vegetable oil, milk, and eggs. Sweet bread is delicious and perfect as is with these ingredients, however, you can sweeten it up with different variations. The best part about this sweet bread recipe is that it does not require any yeast, kneading, or rising time! Serve your family this delicious sweet bread with all of your favorite add-in varieties by learning How to Make Sweet Bread.

35. Banquet Boule Bread

Bring your holiday crowd together with one massive bread loaf that serves everyone and makes your hosting responsibilities easier and less stressful. When you bring out this massive loaf to serve your guests, they will admire your baking skills! You can quickly and effortlessly prepare, bake, and serve this massive banquet boule bread for your next holiday crowd and know you will have enough bread for the party! Prepare for the holidays by learning How to Make Banquet Boule Bread for a Holiday Crowd.

36. Burger Buns

Learn how to make The Best Homemade Burger Buns Ever and I will show you how! Have you always wanted to make your own burger buns, but thought that they would be too difficult to make? I make a ton of bread and I have always wanted to challenge myself to make my own burger buns. Like you perhaps, I thought it would be difficult to achieve that perfectly round bun top that is perfectly browned with a flat bottom, you know like real burger buns.

I set myself up for the challenge to make my own homemade burger buns, I mean how hard could this really be, right? I found it to be extremely simple and I documented the whole process just in case they turned out perfect. After all, if they turned out perfect, I wanted to replicate them again. So I made this post on how to make the best burger buns ever! 

37. Cherry Bread

Do you love cherries like I do? This cherry bread with cherry glaze is so delicious, sweet, and full of flavor. This cherry bread is easy to make with this step-by-step recipe tutorial that will have you eating sweet cherry bread in no time. This sweet, smooth, and perfectly pink cherry glaze recipe takes this moist cherry bread to the highest level with a cherry on top! Follow along and let’s make some cherry bread! Make your own dessert by learning How to Make Sweet Cherry Bread with Cherry Glaze.

Self-Sufficient Skills: Prep Your Pantry


38. SOS Mix

Are you tired of grabbing ten different ingredients to cook up a homemade soup or sauce? What if there was a dry mix of ingredients all put together that can form a base for any type of soup or sauce you want to make? Well, there is! SOS Mix is Essential for Your Survival Pantry.

39. Foods to Stockpile

Prep your pantry by learning the Best Foods to Stockpile for Survival Now! When you are faced with a crisis or emergency, your body naturally expends more energy since you are stressed. Therefore, it is wise to stockpile foods that are high in energy and protein, but also shelf stable. 

40. Survival Biscuits

Keep your pantry stocked by learning How to Make Hardtack Survival Biscuits. Hardtack survival biscuits are a survival food that was created hundreds of years ago by pioneers, settlers, soldiers, and sailors while they traveled on long journeys. They brought along hardtack survival biscuits on these long journeys because hardtack survival biscuits can last for years if stored properly. It can actually last forever! So, learn how to make them and keep them in your pantry!

41. Self-Sufficient Skills in Farm Sharing

Farm sharing is building your connection network with local farmers and supporting them and providing for your family. When you learn farm sharing, everyone involved wins! Your pantry and freezer can be locally sourced for foods that you are unable to grow or raise yourself. My good friend Becky over at Acre Homestead talks so much about farm sharing on her YouTube channel. P.S. I never miss an episode on her channel! Go check her out and learn how she does farm sharing and stock her pantry and freezers. She has amazing freezer and pantry tours!

Self-Sufficient Skills: For Survival

rain harvesting

42. Rain Harvesting

Harvest your own rainwater by collecting the rainfall in rain barrels. Set up your rain harvest station by collecting the rainwater from the downpours of your rain gutters. Although, you may need to check your local laws for rain collection regulations from rooftops. Also, you can calculate how much rainwater you can expect to collect and be prepared for the correct rain barrel sizes by visiting the Rainfall Calculator for Rain Barrels and plugging in your rooftop dimensions as required.

You can use your harvested rainwater to water your lawn and garden. Many have gotten creative by attaching a drip irrigation system to the rain barrels to turn on to allow gravity to flow the water to the garden beds that are set up along the drip irrigation system.

43. Self-Sufficient Skills in Fire Starting

Having a great fire starter survival kit is a must-have, even if you are not in the wilderness often. With this guide, you can learn How to Build a No-Fail Fire Starter Survival Kit. While it is wise to take a good fire starter survival kit in all your outdoor adventures, you can use them in a power outage too. Fire is essential to survival, especially in cold weather. It would be best if you had a fire for heating and cooking during a power outage or overnight wilderness adventures. With a good quality no-fail fire starter survival kit, you can start fires in downpours, windy and snowy conditions, and with the power of the sun! Discover how to build the best fire starter survival kit with the finest tools on the market.

44. Self-Sufficient Skills in Tree Tapping

Tree tapping is a great skill to learn and you can harvest free maple syrup! I grew up in an old orchard in Ohio surrounded by many types of fruit trees, nut trees, pine trees, and maple trees. My dad learned to tap trees and harvested some maple syrup. We even would visit the arboretum to watch the locals tap trees and make maple syrup at an old cabin in the woods over a fire in a huge cauldron. Maple syrup takes a long time to cook, but it is a fun and rewarding process.

45. No Power Survival Challenge

Remember all those times when you unexpectedly lost power in your home for hours and found yourself unprepared and without the basic survival supplies or tactics to make it through? You may have rushed to the grocery stores and gas stations to purchase bags of ice, coolers, batteries, flashlights, along with so many other things you hope you will remember you will need. Only to find out that all of these things have been sold out and unavailable to you. Now what do you do? You come to the realization of how unprepared and unequipped you really are for survival. You wonder to yourself how you should have been better prepared and you can be prepared and discover Why Doing a 1-Day No Power Survival Challenge Can Help Prepare Your Home for Emergencies.

46. Open a Can of Food with Your Bare Hands

Many people these days are food prepping as they have never done before. Who can blame them since we are living in trying times? If you are stocking your pantry with canned goods, you should learn how to open a can of food with your bare hands. This skill is simple to learn. You can do this on the first try in less than three minutes. Your children should learn this trick. Teach this trick to your older loved ones as well and teach everyone How to Open A Can of Food With Your Bare Hands.

47. Solar Lights

Light up your life with the Best Off Grid Solar Lights for Your Backyard and Patio. Adding off-grid solar lights to your backyard and patio can provide your outdoor spaces with extra lighting sources where you need them most. There are a variety of different types of outdoor solar lighting that fit nearly every need or lighting requirement you may have. These can include motion lights, walkway and step lights, string lights, wall-mounted lights, spotlights, garden lights, whimsical firefly lights, and lanterns. 

The best part about solar lights is that you can charge them outdoors and bring them inside to light up rooms in your home for free lighting in the evenings!

48. Natural Disasters Survival Tips

Preparing for a large category 4 hurricane can be scary even if you live in a hurricane-prone zone and are used to it. It is essential to be prepared to survive any-sized hurricane by preparing for them now. Read How My Family Survived a Category 4 Hurricane: Survival Tips.

Self-Sufficient Skills: For Kids


49. Self-Sufficient Skills for Kids

Here I discuss why it is important to teach self-sufficiency skills to kids. I help you get started with fun types of self-sufficiency skills for kids that you can begin to teach your own child now to help build their confidence and self-esteem. Grab your kids and learn How to Teach Self-Sufficiency Skills to Kids: Prepare Them Now!

50. First Aid and CPR for Kids

Kids naturally love to help. When they are taught ways that they can help others, they will develop a sense of purpose and this can build their confidence and self-esteem. Here are The Best Activities for First Aid for Kids with a fun free printable CPR/First Aid Training Certificate just for them! They earned it!

51. Knife Safety for Kids

Knives are one of the oldest tools known to us and it only makes sense to teach kids how to properly and safely use them rather than abstaining knives from them. Read more in Knife Safety for Kids: Ultimate Guide to Their Safety.

52. Teaching Fossils to Kids

It is essential to teach fossils to kids to show them how ecosystems respond to and recover from extinctions from climate changes and how they adapt for survival. Fossils are our connection to our lives from the past, present, and future. We can learn how and why the plants or animals died in our area simply by studying their fossils. Read Why Teach Fossils to Kids: A Simple Survival Lesson

53. Garden Tools for Kids

Kids love to help with chores. They love the feeling of helping their families and contributing to important tasks around their homes, especially gardening chores. Here are 5 Best Gardening Tools for Kids to Complete Chores.

54. Garden Grow Kits for Kids

OMG! The Best Garden Grow Kits for Kids Ever! Kids love hands-on activities, getting dirty, and creating their own things. Kids are curious about the natural world around them. Help them discover what they can create and grow by providing them with fun activities and kits that allow them to explore fun ways to garden. 

55. Homeschooling Teens with Anxiety

If you are struggling with a teen with anxiety, consider reading my article Homeschooling Teens With Anxiety: How Easy It Can Improve Grades. Homeschooling teens with anxiety is often a hot topic with parents and teachers who struggle to find the best help for teens who suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is very real and it hurts many people and it can put a devastating effect on a teen’s mental health and self-esteem. It can also wreak havoc on grades and graduation credits that teens need to strive for. This topic is personal and near and dear to my heart as I am a mother of two struggling teens who battle these common issues.

However, we are discovering the power of homeschooling and how easily it can improve grades and boost their confidence in themselves as they reach their goals independent from the social stress of public middle and high school. Learn how homeschooling has helped improve my own teenagers’ confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, grades, and self-sufficiency and how it can possibly help yours too!

56. Archery for Kids

Archery for kids teaches a growth mindset without the pressure of team competition that is involved with other sports. Did you know archery for kids can help strengthen physical development, boost self-confidence, and give children a sense of accomplishment without the social pressure of other sports that are team lead? Let’s learn why archery for kids teaches a growth mindset. 

57. Campfire Safety for Kids

Think about this, you come to the campsite for an enjoyable experience, therefore keeping everyone safe with these helpful tips on campfire safety for kids. Whether you are at your backyard firepit, family bonfires, or at a campsite campfire, it is your job to keep your kids safe around any fire. Let’s learn the basic rules for campfire safety for kids. Visit the Ultimate Guide on Campfire Safety for Kids.

58. Rock Painting with Kids

Rock Painting with Kids: A Colorful Summer Activity can help if you are looking for a boredom-buster activity that is fun and creative to do with your kids this summer. Think no further than rock painting with kids. Rock painting is so much fun that even older kids and teenagers love to do it. Take your kids to the river for the morning to collect some amazing rocks and head to your local art supply center and gather all of your materials and begin a fun afternoon of rock painting with your kids. Let’s discover how much fun rock painting with kids can be for a fun afternoon this summer! 


I hope I have inspired you to learn some of these self-sufficient skills with these helpful tips and products. Here are some other links you may be interested in reading!

Why Doing a 1-Day No Power Survival Challenge Can Help Prepare Your Home for Emergencies

Best 5 Tips for Living Off Grid

How My Family Survived a Category 4 Hurricane: Survival Tips

If you were encouraged by this post, I invite you to check out my FREE Printables Page for fun free printables, planners, and charts.

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