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Fall recipes and gardening projects.

Get ready to dive into a world of excitement with these posts that revolve around fall-themed projects and mouthwatering recipes. Whether you’re looking for creative crafts or delicious dishes related to fall, I’ve got you covered. From DIY project ideas using vibrant autumn leaves to growing a giant pumpkin that will take your Jack-o’-lanterns to the next level, you’ll find plenty of inspiration here. And don’t even get me started on my collection of delectable fall bread and canning recipes. So grab a cozy sweater and get ready to immerse yourself in all things fall as we explore these delightful topics together. Let’s make this autumn season one filled with endless fun and tasty delights!

Fall Topics Include:


What Thanksgiving Teaches Us About Survival

Image illustrates people dressed in pilgrim and indian costumes celebrating Thanksgiving for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Explore the profound wisdom and practical knowledge of what Thanksgiving teaches us about survival and its relevance beyond the dinner table.

What The Walking Dead Can Teach Us About Survival: The Walking Dead Survival Tactics

Image illustrates a zombie for survival tactics.

Explore the lessons The Walking Dead teaches about survival tactics and how to stay alive in extreme circumstances.

Bread Recipes

How to Make Pumpkin-Shaped Bread Rolls

Image illustrates pumpkin-shaped bread rolls.

Create these adorable and delicious pumpkin-shaped bread rolls for your fall gatherings with my easy step-by-step recipe tutorial.

How to Make a Thanksgiving Breaded Cornucopia

Image illustrates a Thanksgiving breaded cornucopia for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Make your holiday cheese board more interesting by making a Thanksgiving breaded cornucopia. P.S. It’s easier than you may think!

How to Make Irresistible Apple Cinnamon Bread!

Image illustrates apple cinnamon bread for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Bake up the perfect, flavorful, and absolutely irresistible apple cinnamon bread recipe to satisfy your fall cravings!

How to Make Apple Fritter Bread: A Perfect Fall Treat

Image illustrates apple fritter bread for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Learn to make apple fritter bread and indulge in the perfect fall treat with this easy step-by-step recipe tutorial.

How to Make the Perfect Pumpkin-Shaped Sourdough Bread from Scratch

Image illustrates sourdough pumpkin-shaped bread for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Make the perfect pumpkin-shaped sourdough bread with this easy recipe tutorial that is fun for all your fall gatherings.

Easy Pumpkin Bread Recipe That Will Satisfy Your Fall Cravings

Image illustrates pumpkin bread for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Enjoy this easy pumpkin bread recipe that’s sure to satisfy your fall cravings and fill your home with the irresistible aroma of fall spices!

How to Make Irresistible Streusel Pear Bread

Image illustrates streusel pear bread for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Bake the most delicious, moist, flavorful, and delectable streusel pear bread recipe with this easy-to-follow recipe tutorial.

The Best Fall Maple Sourdough Bread Recipe

Image illustrates fall maple sourdough bread for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Create a delicious fall maple sourdough bread and fill your home with the aroma of autumn and enjoy every bite of this seasonal treat!

How to Make a 6 Braided Challah Bread

Image illustrates a 6 braided challah bread for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Learn how to make a 6 braided challah bread with full tutorial with photos and a video clip even if it is your first time.

How to Make Easy One Hour Dinner Rolls

Image illustrates one hour dinner rolls for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Find out how to make easy one hour dinner rolls and whip up a fresh batch any night of the week or on busy holidays.

Canning Recipes

The Ultimate Guide to Canning Apple Pear Butter: Step-by-Step Instructions

Image illustrates apple pear butter for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Learn to can delicious apple pear butter that is bursting with flavor with this step-by-step comprehensive guide.

Canning Pear Sauce: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Image illustrates pear sauce for fall recipes and gardening projects.

This easy step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of canning pear sauce to preserve your pears and stock your pantry.

How to Can a Year’s Supply of Quince Jam

Image illustrates quince jam.

Can a year’s supply of quince jam for your pantry with this simple recipe and offer your family a different kind of jam!

Fall Gardening

How to Ripen Pumpkins off the Vine

Image illustrates unripened pumpkins demonstrating information on how to ripen pumpkins off the vine.

Salvage unripened pumpkins from an early or unexpected frost to ensure a bountiful harvest in no time without wasting a single pumpkin!

How to Use the Hand Twist Claw Tiller: Tackling Tough Soil

Gain the knowledge and confidence to effectively utilize the Hand Twist Claw Tiller and achieve successful results in your garden.

How to Grow a Pumpkin Patch in Your Backyard

Image illustrates pumpkins growing on a vine.

Discover the secrets of how to grow a pumpkin patch right in your own backyard for fall festivities and recipes with these helpful tips!

How to Make Leaf Litter Mulch

Image illustrates leaf litter mulch for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Discover how to make leaf litter mulch to create a valuable addition to your gardening practices, promoting healthy soil and thriving plants.

How to Win a Giant Pumpkin Contest

Image illustrates a giant pumpkin.

Learn valuable insights to maximize your chances of success to win a giant pumpkin contest with these helpful tips and tricks.

How to Harvest Sunflower Seeds: The Ultimate Guide

Image illustrates sunflower seeds.

Learn all the essential steps and tips on how to harvest sunflower seeds to ensure a bountiful supply of nutritious and versatile seeds.

How to Grow a Fall Garden: 9 Best Fall Crops

Image illustrates fall crops to grow for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Learn how to grow a fall garden and enjoy the delights of fresh, homegrown produce right from your own backyard.

Surprising Benefits of Growing Garlic Around Your Fruit Trees

Image illustrates growing garlic for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Explore ways in which garlic can positively impact the health of your orchard by growing garlic around your fruit trees.

All About Pear Trees: Ultimate Guide

Image illustrates a pear tree for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Learn all about pear trees in this ultimate guide discussing how to grow pear trees and the various ways to use pear fruit.

All About Quince Trees: Ultimate Guide

Image illustrates a quince tree for fall recipes and gardening projects.

Learn all about quince trees in this ultimate guide discussing how to grow quince trees and the various ways to use quince fruit.

For the Kids

A-maze-ing Fun In a Corn Maze with Teens

Image illustrates a corn maze.

Explore the joy of having fun in a corn maze with teens with these creative ideas to make this adventure even more a-maze-ing!

Ultimate Guide on Campfire Safety for Kids

Image illustrates campfire.

Keep everyone safe with these helpful tips on campfire safety for kids.

Bird Watching

How to Make Your Own DIY Bird Nesting Balls

Image illustrates bird nesting balls.

Welcome a thriving avian community to your yard by learning how to make your very own DIY bird nesting balls.

How to Make a Bird Feeder Obelisk Garden

Image illustrates bird feeder obelisk garden.

Discover how to attract birds to your yard by creating a unique and beautiful homemade bird feeder obelisk garden.

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