Buy or Die: Prepper Items You Need Now

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Prepper items you need.

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When SHTF we assume doom and gloom and that it’s the end of us all. Don’t let it be the end of you. Become a prepper and take the apocalyptic catastrophes into your own hands. Many of us have faced severe SHTF situations and have wished we were better prepared. Becoming a prepper can become overwhelming and hard to determine what we should stockpile first.

In this post, I’ll hold your hand and take you around the market for items that can save your life, your family, and possibly your home.

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Shelter: Prep Your Home

Image illustrates solar panels for prepper items.

Remember all those times when you unexpectedly lost power in your home for hours and found yourself unprepared and without the basic survival supplies or tactics to make it through? You may have rushed to the grocery stores and gas stations to purchase bags of ice, coolers, batteries, flashlights, along with so many other things you hope you will remember you will need. So, imagine this: you’re all excited about getting your hands on some awesome stuff, right? So, guess what? You won’t believe this, but all of those super cool things you wanted to buy? Yeah, they’re all gone! Like, completely sold out and you can’t get your hands on them. Total bummer, right?

Now what do you do? You come to the realization of how unprepared and unequipped you really are for survival. As you think back on what didn’t go as planned, you start to ponder how you could have been more ready for it.

Why Doing a 1-Day No Power Survival Challenge Can Help Prepare Your Home for Emergencies

I put you and your home up to a one-day challenge called Why Doing a 1-Day No Power Survival Challenge Can Help Prepare Your Home for Emergencies. In this challenge, you will live in your home without power for one day on a day you know you and your family will all be home together. In this challenge, you will discover what survival and comfort items you will need to supply in your home for everyone’s safety.

By doing this challenge, you will get to know your home better and what you will need to purchase for different areas of your home. Perhaps you will need extra LED lighting in the downstairs pantry because you cannot find the food you stockpiled in the dark. Or your kids are scared to go to the dark bathroom so you take note that you will need an LED battery-operated or solar-powered light source in all bathrooms.

In this challenge, you will be instructed to turn off your power in the morning and to keep it off for the whole day and night until the next morning. You should keep a notebook and pen handy to take notes on areas of your home you need to improve and supply with supplies.

This no-power survival challenge is a great challenge to equip your home for survival. This will help you better prepare your home to live and survive comfortably without power to weather through storms, power outages, and down-grid situations.

Choose a day, do the challenge, and take note of the prepper items you need to purchase for your home.

Light Your Home Without Power or Batteries

Start stockpiling solar lights of various sizes and shapes. I love those garden stake ones that light up the paths. Keep a huge basket full of these solar lights because they can light every room in your house and be carried around by little kids for security.

When the power goes out, charge all of the solar stake lights in the sun during the day and bring them in at night. Place them in bathrooms, pantries, bedrooms, and hallways, and give them to your kids to keep with them.

Backup Powerhouse Solar Generator for Your Whole Home

Provide peace of mind with a powerful solar generator that is on standby for the next power outage. Why be caught in a seven-hour line waiting for gas that has most likely been sold out long before you reach the pumps to power your generator to power your home? Don’t rely on a gas-powered generator. When the power goes out unexpectedly, it is more safe if you are able to stay home with your family. You will be able to stay home because you have prepared ahead of time and supplied and fortified your home for survival, safety, and comfort.

Don’t be caught standing in lines for empty gas pumps and empty grocery shelves. Supply and equip your home now.

Warmth: Wood Burning Stoves and Rocket Stoves (Prepper Items You Need)

Image illustrates wood burning stoves for prepper items.

When it comes to keeping warm during cold winter months, wood-burning stoves offer a cozy and rustic solution. Not only do they provide an abundant and renewable heat source, but they also create a charming ambiance that can’t be replicated by central heating systems. Wood-burning stoves are not only efficient but also eco-friendly, as they use sustainable fuel sources like firewood or wood pellets. Their ability to generate radiant heat ensures that warmth is evenly distributed throughout the room, making them perfect for gathering around with friends or family on chilly evenings.

Additionally, some models even come equipped with cooktops or ovens, allowing for versatile use beyond merely heating the space. With their old-school charm and practicality in mind, wood-burning stoves are an excellent choice for those seeking both warmth and style in their homes.

Wood Burning Stoves

Think about this, it is in the dead of winter. The weather keeps getting worse and colder. The weather channel just stated that a massive winter storm is coming in and power outages are likely. Don’t be caught in a winter power outage without a reliable off-grid heating source. Owning a wood-burning stove can help keep your home warm and help you heat food and boil water.

Off-Grid Rocket Stove

Rocket stoves are amazing and let me tell you why! They do not take up much space, are fuel efficient, cook food, boil water, and keep you warm. They are easy to build yourself. Rocket stoves are basically used as one stove burner of a regular stove. Read my full step-by-step tutorial on how I built mine.

No-Fail Fire Starter Survival Kits

Having a great fire starter survival kit is a must-have, even if you are not in the wilderness often. While it is wise to take a good fire starter survival kit in all your outdoor adventures, you can use them in a power outage too. Fire is essential to survival, especially in cold weather. It would be best if you had a fire for heating and cooking during a power outage or overnight wilderness adventures. With a good quality no-fail fire starter survival kit, you can start fires in downpours, windy and snowy conditions, and with the power of the sun! Discover how to build the best fire starter survival kit with the finest tools on the market. 

Water: Stockpiling Purification Systems

Image illustrates water purification systems for prepper items.

Water purification systems are a total game-changer when it comes to ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water. Gone are the days of relying on store-bought bottled water or boiling tap water. These innovative systems utilize advanced technologies that effectively remove impurities, contaminants, and even potentially harmful chemicals from our water sources. From reverse osmosis units to UV sterilization systems, there is a wide range of options available to suit every need and budget.

Not only do these systems enhance the taste and odor of our drinking water, but they also provide peace of mind knowing that we’re consuming water free from bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and other pollutants. With their easy installation process and low maintenance requirements, water purification systems have become an essential addition to modern households seeking a more sustainable lifestyle while prioritizing their health and well-being in a casual yet effective manner.

Water is the lifeline of our survival. We cannot live without water past three days. Staying hydrated with clean healthy water is a necessity and it can safely be achieved even during emergencies. By stockpiling a variety of water purification systems, and collecting water itself, you can be sure to have healthy clean water all of the time.

Water Purification Systems

Countertop Purification System

Having a countertop water filtration system for your home is highly recommended. You can be sure to serve your family healthy filtered water in your home safely. This alone can bring a ton of peace of mind!

Water Purification Tablets

It is a good idea to stockpile water purification tablets and keep them in a cool dark and dry area like your survival pantry. It is also a good idea to stockpile these water purification tablets in your bug-out bags should you need to evacuate your home in an emergency by orders. Don’t forget to grab a few of these water purification tablets before you head out camping or hiking.

Personal Water Filter LifeStraw

Stockpiling personal water filter straws is essential to take along on camping and hiking trips. It is also a good idea to keep them stockpiled in bug-out bags should you need to evacuate your home for any reason. Be sure to have a good supply and enough for everyone in your household.

Water Storage Containers

5-Gallon Stackable Water Storage Containers

Easily stockpile water in your survival pantry with 5-gallon stackable water storage containers. Having these 5-gallon water containers can help you easily add up the gallons of water you and your family need to stockpile without taking up too much space. Having your water stockpiled in 5-gallon storage containers is a great way to manage the containers as they can each be easily handled and carried around.

Water Purifier Autofill System

Considering water is the essence of life and our survival, having a continuous supply of purified water that requires no electricity or batteries just makes sense. With this water purifying system technology, you and your family will always have safe water to drink.

55 Gallon Emergency Water Barrel

If you are lucky enough to have the space to store a 55-gallon tank of water, do it! To make it easier on yourself, buy one with a siphon pump for easier access to the water since it will be heavy. You can then boil or purify the water for safe use once you siphon the water you need.

Water Collection Methods

Rain Barrel Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the easiest hands-off approach to collecting water. Use your harvested rainwater to water your gardens, lawns, and animals. You can even use it to wash your clothes or do household cleaning.

Food: Prep Your Pantry (Prepper Items You Need)

Image illustrates canned food for prepper items.

Some more prepper items you need to be doing is stockpiling your pantry. To prep your pantry, stockpile foods that are shelf-stable. Plan some ways to prep your pantry and supply food for your family without the worry of spoilage.

Having a well-stocked pantry is like having your own little food sanctuary. It’s the secret weapon to easy and efficient meal planning, especially during those times when you don’t feel like going out to grab ingredients for a specific recipe. So, what should you have in there? Well, start with the basics: different types of pasta, rice, noodles, and grains. These versatile staples can form the foundation of numerous dishes.

Next up, canned goods are a must-have too! Think beans, tomatoes (diced and paste), and tuna fish – they’re all great for adding flavor and nutrition to your meals without much effort. Don’t forget about spices either! A well-rounded spice rack can transform even the most ordinary dish into something extraordinary. Finally, having a good variety of snacks and sweet treats can come in handy for those sudden cravings or unexpected guests dropping by. Trust me; a prep pantry is worth its weight in gold!

Home Canned Foods

Home canning your own food can help you cut food costs especially if you are canning your own home-grown foods from your garden. Canning your own food can also cut down on waste since you can reuse the jars over and over again without tossing aluminum cans in the garbage and filling the landfills.

Buying in bulk and canning your food yourself is a great way to save money and stock your pantry. Buy bulk produce while it is in season, on sale, or at the local farmer’s market and learn how to process and can the foods.

I have some fun and different jam recipes for you to try that you will never see at the grocery store so be sure to check them out on my Jam with Me page!

Stockpile Foods That Last Forever

Stockpile Survival Foods That Will Last Forever in Your Pantry. Don’t worry, click on these links and I will show you how!

It is a good idea to also stockpile MRE meals for your family to have hot meals with adequate calories during emergencies and when you are unable to cook. Stockpiling MRE Meals for Survival: Prep Your Pantry.

Don’t know where to start or what foods to stockpile first? Here is a list of foods that you should be focusing your time, money, and efforts first when beginning to stockpile your pantry. Best Foods to Stockpile for Survival Now: Prep Your Pantry.

Having a stockpile of SOS mix in your pantry is helpful to get you started in creating soup and sauce base recipes. I always keep jars of this SOS mix in my pantry! SOS Mix is Essential for Your Survival Pantry.

Make and Stockpile Hardtack Survival Biscuits

Learn how to keep bread or biscuits that will last forever in your pantry. These hardtack survival biscuits may not be the tastiest, but they will keep you from starving in extreme and severe emergency circumstances. All you have to do is soften and mush them up in some hot soup or even water and mix it in and eat it up. Learn how to make Hardtack Survival Biscuits with my easy recipe! How to Make Hardtack Survival Biscuits.

Hygiene: Survival Sanitation Systems

Image illustrates sanitation systems for prepper items.

Hygiene systems are designed to maintain hygiene levels in various places, like schools, hospitals, public restrooms, and even our own homes. They involve a combination of techniques and mechanisms designed to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and diseases. Think of hand sanitizers, soap dispensers, and automated faucets – all these play a crucial role in minimizing the transmission of germs from one person to another.

But it’s not just about personal cleanliness; proper waste management systems also form an integral part of hygiene and sanitation. Waste is disposed of properly through sewerage lines or septic tanks to avoid contamination of soil and water sources. So next time you’re scrubbing your hands or using a public restroom, take a moment to appreciate the wonders of hygiene sanitation systems keeping us safe and healthy!

Household Sanitation

Having household sanitation systems is important to keeping your home healthy for everyone. When a pandemic hits, as it has, it is important to keep your home sanitary to help keep everyone healthy. While you may have sanitation wipes, having a large sanitization system can help keep your whole home clean, especially during a lockdown situation.

Personal Hygiene Kits for Everyone

If you can, buy the ones that are airport approved so you can worry less if you need to hop on an airplane quickly! You can just stuff them in your bags and they will be approved by airport security!

Security: Secure Your Sanctuary (Prepper Items You Need)

Image illustrates home security systems for prepper items.

You must take your preparations seriously, for there are forces at play that you cannot fathom. In this clandestine world of uncertainties, your home is both shield and sanctuary from prying eyes. Begin your covert operation by fortifying the entry points – replace frail door locks with sturdy deadbolts and reinforce windows with shatter-proof film. Visual concealment is imperative; consider installing thick curtains or blinds to shroud the inner workings of your abode.

Further cloak yourself in secrecy by upgrading to an advanced security system, complete with motion sensors, infrared cameras, and silent alarms that will awaken only the vigilant. But remember, true obscurity lies not only in physical measures, but also in digital fortification: encrypt your Wi-Fi network, guard your personal data with impenetrable passwords, and employ robust anti-virus software. With these clandestine maneuvers executed flawlessly within the shadows, you can rest assured that your home remains impervious to any encroachment on its well-guarded secrets.

Wireless Solar-Powered Home Security Camera

Secure your home with a wireless solar-powered motion-activated home security camera that even works in remote areas. A lot of strangers wander around at night poking around on properties and trying door knobs. Keep a close eye on them by watching the perimeter of your home and property with cameras.

Cordless Solar Motion Sensor Lights

It has been known that just having motion-sensor lights around your home and property will scare off any unwanted trespassers. Secure your home and property with plenty of solar-powered motion-activated lights that will blast a ton of light unexpectedly and illuminate the whole area and scare away those trespassers.

Grab your FREE printable Prepper Items Checklist that covers everything in this post in an easy checklist form that summarizes everything covered here.


I hope I have inspired you to implement some of these self-sufficient skills with these helpful tips and products. Here are some other links you may be interested in reading!

How to Learn 58 Self-Sufficient Skills Right Now

How to Build a No-Fail Fire Starter Survival Kit

Why Doing a 1-Day No Power Survival Challenge Can Help Prepare Your Home for Emergencies

Best 5 Tips for Living Off Grid

How My Family Survived a Category 4 Hurricane: Survival Tips

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The Off Grid Barefoot Girl

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