Shoofly Pie Recipe: The Best Pantry Staple Dessert!

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Shoofly pie.

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Welcome to a slice of Pennsylvania Dutch tradition with my Shoofly Pie recipe! If you’re looking for a dessert that’s both delicious and made from simple pantry staples, you’re in for a treat. Shoofly Pie is a classic comfort food that has delighted generations with its rich molasses filling and irresistible crumb topping.

Whether you’re new to this beloved dessert or a long-time fan, my recipe will guide you through creating the perfect Shoofly Pie, right in your own kitchen. Read on to discover how to transform basic ingredients into a timeless, scrumptious dessert that’s perfect for any occasion!

Image illustrates a Pinterest pin of shoofly pie.

Introduction to Shoofly Pie

Image illustrates shoofly pie.

Shoofly pie is a beloved traditional dessert originating from the Pennsylvania Dutch community, known for its rich and distinctive flavor profile. This classic pie features a sweet, gooey molasses filling that sits in a flaky pie crust, topped with a crumbly streusel made from flour, sugar, and butter.

The name “shoofly” is said to come from the need to shoo away flies attracted to the sweet molasses as the pie cools. There are two popular variations of this pie: the wet-bottom version, which has a sticky, syrupy layer at the bottom, and the dry-bottom version, which boasts a more cake-like consistency throughout. The shoofly pie is often enjoyed with a cup of coffee or tea, making it a perfect comfort food for any time of day.

Shoofly Pie Origins

Shoofly Pie has its roots in the 1800s among the Pennsylvania Dutch community. This traditional pie was a way to make use of pantry staples like molasses, flour, and sugar. The sweet and savory combination in Shoofly Pie is a result of German baking influences intertwined with American ingredients. Understanding the historical context gives a deeper appreciation for this beloved dessert.

Flavor Profile and Textures

This dessert offers a unique taste experience with its distinct molasses flavor that strikes a balance between sweet and bold. The filling, often made with molasses, brown sugar, and a crumbly topping, creates a textural contrast between the sticky, dense bottom layer and the lighter, crumbly top layer. This contrast of textures is what makes Shoofly Pie a delightful treat for those with a sweet tooth.

Cultural Significance

Beyond its delectable taste, Shoofly Pie holds cultural significance as a cherished dessert in the Pennsylvania Dutch heritage. It embodies a sense of tradition and community, often shared at gatherings and celebrations. By exploring the cultural roots of Shoofly Pie, we can appreciate how food ties us to our past and connects us to a shared culinary history.

Shoofly Pie Recipe

Image illustrates shoofly pie.

Shoofly Pie is a classic American dessert with its rich molasses filling and crumbly topping. Mastering the art of making this traditional pie is a delightful experience. To create the perfect Shoofly Pie, you need to pay attention to both the ingredients and the instructions.


Creating the delicious Shoofly Pie starts with gathering the essential ingredients that give it its unique flavor profile. Here are the key components you will need:

  • Pie Crust: Prepare a single pie crust either store-bought or homemade.
  • For the Filling: Molasses (light or dark), boiling water, baking soda, egg, all-purpose flour, and brown sugar.
  • For the Crumb Topping: All-purpose flour, butter, brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
  • Optional: Whipped cream or vanilla ice cream for serving.


The process of making this dessert involves combining a few simple ingredients to create a decadent dessert. Follow these step-by-step instructions for a perfect Shoofly Pie:

PSST! This truly is the most simple pie you could ever possibly make!

  1. Prepare the Crust: Line a pie plate with the crust and set it aside.
  2. Make the Filling: Mix molasses, boiling water, baking soda, and egg, in a bowl.
  3. Create the Crumb Topping: Combine flour, butter, brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg until crumbly.
  4. Assemble and Bake: Pour the filling into the crust, add the crumb topping, and bake until set.
  5. Cool and Serve: Allow the pie to cool before slicing and serving, preferably with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

By following these detailed instructions and using the right ingredients, you can savor the delightful taste of a homemade Shoofly Pie that perfectly balances sweetness and richness.

Understanding Shoofly Pie

In this section, I will get into the details of this dessert, covering what it is, the origin of its unique name, and the variations such as wet bottom and dry bottom pies.

What is Shoofly Pie?

This dessert is a traditional molasses pie that originated in the Pennsylvania Dutch region. The key ingredients include molasses, flour, and sometimes a crumb topping. This pie has a gooey, sweet filling that sits atop a flaky crust, making it a delightful treat for those who enjoy rich, comforting desserts.

Why is it Called Shoofly Pie?

The name “Shoofly Pie” is said to have originated from its sweet aroma that attracted flies, hence the need to “shoo” them away. Another theory suggests that the pie’s sticky, molasses-based filling attracted flies during its cooling process. Regardless of the exact origin, the name has stuck through generations, adding to the charm and history of this beloved dessert.

Wet Bottom vs. Dry Bottom Pie

The difference between Wet Bottom and Dry Bottom Shoofly Pies lies in the consistency of the filling.

  • Wet Bottom Pie: This version has a gooey, molasses-rich bottom layer with a crumb topping. The filling is more liquid and custard-like due to the higher molasses content.
  • Dry Bottom Pie: In contrast, Dry Bottom Pie has a more cake-like consistency throughout, with the molasses evenly distributed within the pie, resulting in a less gooey texture. This variation appeals to those who prefer a firmer, less sticky filling in their Shoofly Pie experience.

Shoofly Pie Making Process

Image illustrates vegetable shortening.

Preparation and Baking

To start making a delicious Shoofly Pie, gather all the necessary ingredients as listed above. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Begin by making the pie crust either from scratch or using a store-bought one.

Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another before combining them to form the pie filling. Pour the filling into the pie crust and bake in the preheated oven until the pie is set and the crust is golden brown.

Serving and Storage

Image illustrates pie.

Once the Shoofly Pie is baked to perfection, allow it to cool down before serving. This pie is best enjoyed at room temperature or slightly warm. You can top it with whipped cream or a dusting of powdered sugar for an extra touch.

Any leftovers can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for a couple of days or in the refrigerator for a longer shelf life. To reheat, simply place individual slices in an oven or microwave until warmed through.

Variations and Serving

Image illustrates shoofly pie.

Different Versions of Shoofly Pie

Shoofly pie has evolved over time, leading to various delicious versions that cater to different preferences and tastes. Here are some popular variations you can experiment with:

  • Traditional Shoofly Pie: The classic version with a gooey molasses filling. This is the version I made and have shown in my images throughout this post.
  • Crumb Top Shoofly Pie: This variation includes a crumb topping made of flour, sugar, and butter, adding a delightful texture contrast.
  • Chocolate Shoofly Pie: A decadent twist to the original recipe by incorporating chocolate into the molasses filling or as a drizzle on top.
  • Nutty Shoofly Pie: Adding chopped nuts like pecans or walnuts to the filling for a crunchy element.
  • Spiced Shoofly Pie: Infuse the filling with warm spices like cinnamon, ginger, or nutmeg for a flavorful experience.

Pairing and Serving Suggestions

Pairing the rich and sweet Shoofly Pie with the right accompaniments can elevate the dessert experience. Here are some serving suggestions to make the most of your Shoofly Pie:

  • Whipped Cream or Ice Cream: Serve a slice of warm Shoofly Pie with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a comforting treat.
  • Fresh Fruit: Balance the sweetness of the pie with tart fruits like raspberries or sliced apples.
  • Coffee or Tea: Enjoy a slice of Shoofly Pie with a cup of coffee or tea to complement its rich flavors.
  • Warm or Cold: While the traditional serving of Shoofly Pie is warm, trying it chilled can provide a refreshing twist, especially during hot weather.
  • Garnishes: Sprinkle some powdered sugar, cocoa powder, or additional nuts on top for an added visual appeal and taste dimension.

Embracing the Shoofly Pie Tradition

Image illustrates cast iron skillet dessert.

Shoofly pie is not just a dessert; it’s a slice of history and tradition. By baking and indulging in this timeless treat, you’re connecting with a culinary legacy that dates back to the early days of American settlement. Embrace the nostalgia and warmth that a simple Shoofly pie can bring to your table.

Sharing the Joy of Shoofly Pie

Image illustrates cast iron skillet dessert.

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or a novice in the kitchen, the joy of sharing a freshly baked Shoofly pie knows no bounds. From family gatherings to potlucks, this classic dessert never fails to impress. Spread the love by passing on this delightful recipe to your loved ones and watch as it becomes a staple in your celebrations.

A Sweet Farewell

As we wrap up this culinary journey exploring the history, variations, and making of Shoofly pie, it’s clear that this humble dessert holds a special place in the hearts of many. The simple yet comforting combination of molasses, crumbly topping, and a flaky crust has stood the test of time, continuing to delight taste buds across generations. So, take a moment to savor the sweetness of Shoofly pie and let its old-fashioned charm transport you to a simpler time.


Shoofly Pie is the quintessential pantry staple dessert that brings comfort and nostalgia to the table. With its rich molasses filling and buttery crumb topping, this classic treat is both easy to make and deeply satisfying. Whether you prefer the gooey texture of the wet-bottom version or the cake-like consistency of the dry-bottom variety, Shoofly Pie is sure to delight. Perfect for any occasion, this timeless dessert showcases the beauty of simple ingredients and traditional baking. Enjoy the sweet, distinctive flavors of Shoofly Pie and share this cherished recipe with friends and family, creating memories with every slice!

Resources: Here are some helpful resources for further information.

Image illustrates a Pinterest pin of shoofly pie.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the key ingredients for Shoofly Pie?

The main ingredients include molasses, brown sugar, water, flour or cornmeal, butter, and a pie crust. Some recipes also include spices like cinnamon or nutmeg.

2. What is the difference between wet-bottom and dry-bottom Shoofly Pie?

Wet-bottom Shoofly Pie has a gooey, syrupy layer at the bottom, while dry-bottom Shoofly Pie has a firmer, cake-like consistency throughout.

3. Can I use a store-bought pie crust for Shoofly Pie?

Yes, a store-bought pie crust works perfectly well and can save time. Just make sure it’s unbaked before adding the filling and topping.

4. How should I store Shoofly Pie?

Shoofly Pie can be stored at room temperature for up to 3 days, covered with plastic wrap or foil. For longer storage, refrigerate it for up to a week.

Image illustrates shoofly pie recipe.

Shoofly Pie Recipe

Bake this old-fashioned shoofly pie, which is a traditional Pennsylvania Dutch dessert known for its unique, rich flavor and simple ingredients. This classic pie features a gooey molasses filling, which gives it a deep, caramel-like taste and dark color. The filling is made by combining molasses, brown sugar, and water, often thickened with flour or cornmeal, and spiced with cinnamon or nutmeg.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Servings 8 pie slices


  • 1 Cast iron skillet or baking pie dish.


For the Pie Crust

  • 1 pie crust shell or homemade pie crust.

For the Filling

  • 1 cup molasses (light or dark).
  • ¾ cup boiling water.
  • ¾ tsp baking soda.
  • 1 large egg, beaten.

For the Crumb Topping

  • 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour.
  • 1 cup packed brown sugar.
  • ¼ cup vegetable shortening.

Additional Ingredients

  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon.
  • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg.
  • ½ tsp salt.


  • Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

For the Pie Crust

  • Line a pie plate with the crust and set it aside.

For the Filling

  • Mix molasses, boiling water, and baking soda in a bowl and carefully whisk in the egg.

For the Crumb Topping

  • Combine flour, butter, brown sugar, salt, cinnamon, and nutmeg until crumbly.

Assemble and Bake

  • Pour the filling into the crust and add the crumb topping.
  • Bake for 45 minutes or until set.

Cool and Serve

  • Allow the pie to cool before slicing and serving, preferably with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


I hope I have inspired you to make shoofly pie to enjoy and share with your friends and family.

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The Off Grid Barefoot Girl

The Off Grid Barefoot Girl: 
Homesteader, gardener, and prepper.
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Shoofly Pie Recipe
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