Vegetable Garden Projects

Learn how to garden with a variety of different garden methods to find what works for you with these fun inspirational vegetable garden projects.

Grow a foodscape garden, survival garden, or a micro-orchard right in your own backyard. Learn how to build your garden soil with a worm tunnel planted right in your garden beds.

Learn how to combat the typical spring gardening problems and get a head start on your garden for the year with helpful tips and tricks.

Discover how to attract pollinators to your vegetable garden for the best harvest ever. Learn about companion planting and how to start a square-foot garden.

greenhouse garden
Vegetable Garden Projects

How to Plant A Climate-Friendly Garden: Strategies for Beginners

Climate-friendly gardening is a way of gardening that reduces emissions of greenhouse gases that gardens can produce and encourage the absorption of carbon dioxide from the soil and plants to aid in the reduction of global warming. You may think your little home garden cannot make a difference in the combat against climate change, however, it does in comparison to other gardeners who are growing and building healthy plants and fertile soils. CLICK TO READ MORE.

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