10 Ways to Save Money on Groceries During Inflation

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Save money on groceries.

What Is Included in This Post:

Grocery Store Coupons
Rewards and Rebate Programs
Buying Generic Store Brands
Buying in Bulk
Buying In-Season Produce
Cooking Meatless Meals
Practice Meal Prepping
Applying for Food Assistance and Food Pantry Programs
Do NOT Shop When You Are Hungry
Grow The Foods You Eat Most

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It is 2023 and we are living in inflation with the ever-increasing prices of food. Staple items like cereal and eggs are becoming increasingly pricey.

Learn effective ways you can implement to save on your grocery bill and still feed your family even during inflation.

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save money on groceries


Grocery Store Coupons

Coupons can help bring the total cost of your grocery bill down. When you learn to use grocery store coupons, you can get free hygiene, household, and food products.

It is easier to use digital coupons. If you are signed up to use their loyalty program, a lot of grocery stores use digital coupons at checkout. When you are checking out at your local grocery store, you may have been asked if you have your card or for your phone number that they can plug in and help you save money.

If you regularly shop at a local grocery store that has a perks card, it is best if you take the time to sign up for yours. Every time you shop there, you can see the savings add up from every shopping trip.

Suppose you want to learn more about couponing. In that case, I suggest you head on over to the Krazy Coupon Lady’s website because she offers a ton of valuable information about saving on groceries with coupons.

Otherwise, stay a bit longer to learn more about ways to save on your groceries during inflation.

Benefits of Couponing

  • Brings down the cost of your grocery bill.
  • Get free products.
  • Ease of use of digital coupons.


Rewards and Rebate Programs

It is a great idea to be signed up for as many rewards and rebate programs as you can in your local town. Many grocery stores, gas stations, and shops offer a rewards and rebate program to their loyal customers, which can help you save a ton of money. Food rebates are deals that refund a buyer a portion of the sale after a purchase.

There is a local shop in my town that I regularly visit for some herbal remedies that offer a rewards program. I tell them my phone number that is associated with my account and they plug that in for my savings and as I shop there regularly, (which I will do anyway). I have the option to save or use my rewards toward my purchase. I like to rack up my savings until it is a nice amount and use it for one of my purchases. Sometimes I can get my savings up to $10.00 for a $50.00 purchase!

Benefits of Rewards and Rebate Programs

  • Rack up your savings at local shops regularly.
  • Rewarded after rebates have been applied after a purchase.


Buying Generic Store Brands

You can save a lot of money and notice a difference in your bank account when you start buying generic store brands. This is because generic store brands are less expensive than their brand name counterparts from the lack of promotion, which can inflate costs.

Also when you buy generic store-brand medications, you will be more likely to continue your medication for affordability and remain healthier.

Benefits of Buying Generic Store Brands

  • Less expensive than their brand-name counterparts, which can inflate costs.
  • Afford medication regularly.


Buying in Bulk

When you buy in bulk, you are cutting out the middle man, which is the grocery store, and paying less per pound or unit. Buying in bulk also offers you fewer trips to the store.

It is also more eco-friendly considering bulk items have less packaging, leaving fewer plastics in the landfill.

I love to buy my pantry staples in bulk that lasts a whole month or longer. While I like to stockpile my pantry, I also use my stockpiled pantry to prevent waste and spoilage. I rotate my items to keep all of my foods properly shelf stable.

You can buy bulk items from Amazon and Azure and other big food bulk companies.

Benefits of Buying in Bulk

  • Pay less per pound or unit.
  • Fewer trips to the store.
  • Eco-friendly with less packaging for the landfill.


Buying In-Season Produce

Pay attention to the displays in your grocery store for seasonal produce. In the summer, you will find bins piled with field corn, and shelves of tomatoes, peppers, berries, watermelons, cantaloupe, and other summer produce. And in the fall, you will find boxes of pumpkins, squash, and potatoes.

These are the times to stock up on these products and preserve them for your pantry. In-season produce is often priced lower than out-of-season produce.

Benefits of Buying In-Season Produce

  • Fresh seasonal produce.
  • Cheaper prices for produce.


Cooking Meatless Meals

Meat is expensive. You can save money on your grocery bill during inflation by eating a few more meatless meals during the week. There are a ton of vegetarian recipes that are just as filling and delicious that you can find on the Internet with a quick search and prepare a wonderful dinner for your family.

If you are not already a vegetarian, consider starting a new tradition to help save money by doing Meatless Mondays. When you start implementing the Meatless Mondays Challenge in your dinner routine, you can help save money on your grocery bill and become healthier by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet.

To learn more about implementing Meatless Mondays, click on this link.

Benefits of Cooking Meatless Meals

  • Save money by not buying expensive meat.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables in your diet by replacing meat with more produce.


Practice Meal Prepping

When you meal prep, you can save a ton of money by prepping home-cooked meals ahead of time. This can save you from impulse buying through the fast food lanes and those pricey convenience meals at the grocery store. You can find a ton of information online regarding how to meal prep and save money with delicious recipes.

Stock your freezer with already-made casserole dishes that can feed your entire family for the night just by thawing them out on the counter and popping it in the oven. You can prepare so many delicious casseroles and wrap them in foil and stack them up in your freezer. This is a game changer for busy nights too because you can have your casserole dish unthawing all day long and pop it in the oven when you are ready to serve dinner and provide your family with a very quick homemade dinner.

The best thing about practicing meal prepping is that you do not have many cooking days in the kitchen and you will have fewer dishes to wash during the week!

I practice meal-prepping by spending a day or two in my kitchen cooking for bulk meal-prepping days. I gather all my casserole dishes and begin cooking up everything to prepare as many casseroles as I can for the freezer.

My favorite YouTuber of all time whom I learned a lot about meal prepping is Becky at Acre Homestead. Her channel is amazing and I watch her videos all the time and learned so much about meal prepping and food preservation. She is a very real homesteader who makes mistakes we can all relate to. She also runs her own recipe website at Scratch Pantry.

Try spending one day in your kitchen and cook a few casserole dishes and wrap them up in foil for the freezer and see how it works out for you. You may love it, or you may hate it. One thing for sure is that you will find how easy and convenient pulling out a dish you prepared ahead of time without dirtying up your whole kitchen and spending so much time every night making a homemade meal for your family.

Benefits of Practicing Meal Prepping

  • Save money by avoiding fast food lines and convenience foods by making your own homemade convenience foods.
  • Stock your freezer with homemade meals.
  • Save time in your kitchen by prepping meals ahead of time and save on dirtying a ton of dishes.
  • Having peace of mind when knowing you have homemade meals ready to heat and eat for your family.


Applying for Food Assistance and Food Pantry Programs

I’ve done it. I applied to these programs when my kids were little. My kids are teenagers now and I am no longer on any food supplemental programs as I am more self-sufficient these days, however, these programs are in place to help you when you need it most and I needed it most earlier in my life. I was so glad for these programs too and used them to get by.

When my kids were little, I used the WIC, SNAP, and food pantry programs to help keep my kids fed and healthy.

Applying for food assistance and food pantry programs is beneficial and you get to supplement your food for your family when you are in need. Nobody should be without food so if you need these programs, do not be shy to apply.

Benefits of Applying for Food Assistance and Food Pantry Programs

  • Supplement your food for your family for free.
  • Always have food for your family.


Do NOT Shop When You Are Hungry

The best way to increase your grocery bill is by shopping while you are hungry. You will find items hopping in your cart that should not even be in there in the first place. So remember to never grocery shop when you are hungry. Food items look so much better when you are hungry and you are more likely to add things to your cart that you would otherwise look over and walk away from.

When you shop hungry, you find those unhealthy snacks very eye appealing and you find yourself reaching for them off the shelf and tossing them into your cart.

Benefits of NOT Shopping When You Are Hungry

  • Save money by not adding unnecessary items to your cart.
  • Avoid adding unhealthy items to your cart.


Grow The Foods You Eat Most

You can save a lot of money on your grocery bill when you learn to grow the fruits and vegetables you eat the most. For instance, I grow my own fruits and vegetables and I end up with a ton of free food that I preserve into convenience items for my pantry. I have made a year’s worth of jam and pie filling from my small backyard orchard with the fruit trees and berry bushes that I grow. I grow a ton of tomatoes for tomato sauce and salsa. I grow a huge supply of garlic and onions and chives that I preserve in my pantry and I no longer need to add those items to my grocery list. I learned to harvest my own seeds, which saves me even more!

Benefits of Growing The Foods You Eat Most

  • Grow your favorite foods for free.
  • Never add those food items to your grocery list again!


I hope I have inspired you to implement these ways to help you save money on groceries during inflation and to prep your pantry to be better prepared for your friends and family and have your own survival food on your pantry shelves!

If you were encouraged by this post, I invite you to check out my FREE Self-Sufficiency Academy for fun free printables, planners, and charts.


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Best Foods to Stockpile for Survival Now: Prep Your Pantry

Stockpiling MRE Meals for Survival: Prep Your Pantry


The Off Grid Barefoot Girl

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