Learn valuable insights and practical tips to help you grow a strawberry patch that will bring joy and abundance to your home garden.
Tag: gardening
How to Design a Cottage Garden: Growing a Beautiful Mess
Cottage gardens are informal, fun, whimsical, colorful, beautiful, and practical. They are filled with native flowers, vegetables, herbs, bulbs, annuals, perennials, shrubs, and climbers. They provide dimension and structure to garden spaces and a safe haven for local pollinators. The best part is that cottage gardens are very much alive and they change year after year on their own if you allow them to do their own thing. With a few bulbs, seeds, and patience, you can design a cottage garden that will fill out your garden spaces naturally and beautifully. CLICK TO READ MORE.
How to Grow and Care for Roses
Rose bushes bring delight to the garden from their gorgeous spring blooms to the bountiful hips that follow in the fall season. You can be sure to be given a huge harvest from your rose bush so be prepared to learn how to preserve the rose petals if that’s your fancy! Learn how to grow, care for, harvest, and propagate rose bushes. CLICK TO READ MORE.
4 Easy DIY Garden Soil Tests to Do Now
Perform these easy DIY garden soil tests and improve the quality of your soil by knowing which amendments you need to add for nutrients.
OMG! The Best Garden Grow Kits for Kids Ever!
Kids love hands-on activities, getting dirty, and creating their own things. Kids are curious about the natural world around them. Help them discover what they can create and grow by providing them with fun activities and kits that allow them to explore fun ways to garden. CLICK TO READ MORE.
How to Do Companion Planting: Friends or Foes?
Plants that like each other, attract beneficial insects and pollinators to each other as well as repel pesky enemies to keep each other safe, happy, and healthy. Remember your tight-knit friend group in school when you all looked out for each other? Keeping your enemies out and your friends in is exactly the same thing that plants like to do too. When you keep their foes away from them, you will be preventing your garden from acquiring diseases and pests and find that you do not need extra help with chemicals just to be successful. If you skip companion planting in your garden, you are more likely to resort to using chemicals on your plants. CLICK TO READ MORE.
How to Regrow Your Grocery List and Get Free Food
With little ingenuity and creativity, you can grow a cheap vegetable garden for free from the groceries you already buy. In this post, I aim to teach you how to grow your grocery list for free without buying a single vegetable seed. The more you know, the more you grow! CLICK TO READ MORE.
How to Plant A Climate-Friendly Garden: Strategies for Beginners
Climate-friendly gardening is a way of gardening that reduces emissions of greenhouse gases that gardens can produce and encourage the absorption of carbon dioxide from the soil and plants to aid in the reduction of global warming. You may think your little home garden cannot make a difference in the combat against climate change, however, it does in comparison to other gardeners who are growing and building healthy plants and fertile soils. CLICK TO READ MORE.
Square Foot Garden: The Easy Way To Plan Yours
Learn how to plan and grow a square foot garden the easy way with tips and a free square foot garden printable planner!
Why I Built A Survival Garden in My Backyard
Discover why I built a survival garden in my backyard during these trying times and why you should build one too.