Stockpiling MRE Meals for Survival: Prep Your Pantry

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Stockpiling MRE meals

What Is Included in This Post:

What Are MRE Meals
Inside Contents of an MRE Meal
Why Stockpiling MRE Meals Is Essential for Survival

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Whether you are prepping your pantry for an economic famine, global lockdown, or the apocalypse, you came here to decide if stockpiling MRE meals are worth your money.

In this post, I aim to help you make the right decision if stockpiling MRE meals is right for you and your family when prepping your pantry. You can feed your family during a natural disaster or crisis, including large families by stockpiling these shelf-stable meals.

Read more about why stockpiling MRE meals in your pantry is important for survival and if it is the right choice for you.

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What Are MRE Meals

MRE meals (Meal, Ready-to-Eat) are meals that the United States Department of Defense created to feed the members of the military. They come in lightweight packaging and are complete meals in a bag, including desserts and powdered drink mixes.

MRE meals have a shelf life of up to three years and some up to five years. They are high in calories and are not recommended for daily consumption to replace your regular homemade meals. Plus, they are not the tastiest meals! These are created to provide you with the calories needed during a crisis or emergency situation. They are also great for taking them along on camping, hiking, or hunting trips.

  • Complete Meal Kits.
  • Shelf Life of Up To 3 to 5 Years.
  • Provide Enough Daily Calories.
  • Convenient Food.

Inside Contents of an MRE Meal

MRE meals provide everything you may need for a complete meal. The contents of an MRE meal include an entree, side dish, cracker or bread, a spread, dessert, candy, beverage powder mix, seasoning, flameless ration heater, and accessories.

  • Entree: Main course meals like spaghetti, pizza, or beef stew.
  • Side Dish: Fruit, rice, corn, or mashed potatoes.
  • Cracker or Spread: Cheese, peanut butter, or jelly.
  • Dessert: Cake or Cookie.
  • Candy: Skittles, M&Ms, or Tootsie Rolls.
  • Beverage Powder Mix: Cocoa, tea, coffee, or Gatorade.
  • Seasoning: Seasoning mixes or hot sauces.
  • Flameless Ration Heater: A simple way to heat food.
  • Accessories: Matches, a spoon, creamer, sugar, salt, gum, or toilet paper.

Why Stockpiling MRE Meals Is Essential for Survival

MRE meals can be heated up without heat or fire since the technology inside an MRE package offers a way to heat it alone.

Many natural disasters leave people without the option of a way to heat or cook food for themselves and their families that provides enough daily calories for everyone during a crisis. A lot of the time, it takes the community weeks to months to recover to normalcy and wait for power to return. That is a long time to be without hot food and adequate calories to help sustain energy.

Stockpiling MRE meals provides your family with this option to provide everyone with adequate calories and a hot meal during long-term power outages.

My Family Wasn’t Prepared for Category 4 Hurricane Ian of 2022

During the devastating category 4 hurricane Ian of 2022, my own family experienced this situation. My sister and all her children were left desolate after surviving the storm without electricity for almost a month. She had no gas for their generator (the gas station lines were extremely long, and she waited in line for 7 hours for a few gallons of gas). And she did not prepare her family with a well-stocked pantry meant for surviving these devastating events. However, she has begun to stockpile her pantry to be better prepared should another category 4 hurricane hit her home again.

Had she been stockpiling MRE meals for survival, she and her family could have enjoyed hot meals and acquired their daily calories, and felt a little bit better during this difficult situation. She learned this lesson the hard way!

I hope this post has helped you make a decision if stockpiling MRE meals are right for your family’s pantry. If you live in a natural disaster-prone area, I highly suggest stockpiling MRE meals in your pantry to help aid you in recovery. MRE meal kits can even be stockpiled on top shelves in closets small corners, in drawers, and hidden away in other various areas of your home!

Recap Benefits of Stockpiling MRE Meals for Survival

  • Complete Meal Kits.
  • Shelf Life of Up To 3 to 5 Years.
  • Provide Enough Daily Calories.
  • Convenient Food.
  • Prepared for Natural Disasters.
  • Entree: Main course meals like spaghetti, pizza, or beef stew.
  • Side Dish: Fruit, rice, corn, or mashed potatoes.
  • Cracker or Spread: Cheese, peanut butter, or jelly.
  • Dessert: Cake or Cookie.
  • Candy: Skittles, M&Ms, or Tootsie Rolls.
  • Beverage Powder Mix: Cocoa, tea, coffee, or Gatorade.
  • Seasoning: Seasoning mixes or hot sauces.
  • Flameless Ration Heater: A simple way to heat food.
  • Accessories: Matches, a spoon, creamer, sugar, salt, gum, or toilet paper.


I hope I have inspired you to prep your pantry to be better prepared for your friends and family and have your own survival food on your pantry shelves!

If you were encouraged by this post, I invite you to check out my FREE Self-Sufficiency Academy for fun free printables, planners, and charts.


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The Off Grid Barefoot Girl

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