My Homestead Staff Meet My Homestead Staff! Around my homestead, I only hire the best of the West! Meet my homestead staff members who are more than qualified to run things for me around here to ensure our homestead runs safely and smoothly!
IT Manager Vader is in charge of our systems around here ensuring everything is in order and that everyone is doing their duties the correct way, which is his way!Customer Service Bella is in charge of our customer service around here. She ensures everyone she comes in contact with is happy either by using her sharp skills of effective purring and booping!Quality Assurance Inspector Arlo is in charge of the quality assurance inspections around here. Whether he is inspecting the insides of our Christmas tree or the insides of our cupboards, he is always ensuring things are in perfect chaotic order!Security Guard Milo is in charge of security around here. Whether he is chasing trespassers off of our property, even if it is a sneaky squirrel, or barking at the window of suspicious sidewalk passers-by, he ensures our safety is in order!Social Media Marketing Hoppy is in charge of our social media marketing around here. With her qualified partner, Floppy, they make an excellent team in ensuring they multiply our social media shouts of what’s going on around here to keep everyone up-to-date on the latest happenings!Untitled Position Old Kitty has been around the homestead for ages. We really do not know her role, but we know she is important around here so we do not question how she runs things around here. Often times, she isn’t around to know what’s really going on, but we try our best to include her in the daily operations around here! Update: We are sad to announce she has since retired. Best wishes Old Kitty!
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