Prep Your Pantry10 Ways to Save Money on Groceries During Inflation mindyannbrown / March 25, 2023 / Prep Your PantryLearn effective strategies with these 10 ways to save money on groceries during inflation and still prep your pantry.
Prep Your PantryStockpiling MRE Meals for Survival: Prep Your Pantry mindyannbrown / March 19, 2023 / Prep Your PantryLearn why stockpiling MRE meals for survival is crucial and if it is the right food for you and your family.
Prep Your PantryBest Foods to Stockpile for Survival Now: Prep Your Pantry mindyannbrown / March 18, 2023 / Prep Your PantryLearn the best foods to stockpile for your pantry and weather any storm or crisis with plenty of nutrition and water in your pantry.
Self-Sufficient Kids5 Best Gardening Tools for Kids to Complete Chores mindyannbrown / March 16, 2023 / Self-Sufficient KidsKids love to help with chores so help them feel more accomplished with appropriate gardening tools for kids.
Bread MakingHow to Make No Knead Rustic Bread: A Hands-Off Approach mindyannbrown / March 16, 2023 / Bread MakingLearn how to make no knead rustic bread for dinner with a hands-off approach with few staple ingredients and no messy hands!
Bread MakingHow to Make a Thanksgiving Breaded Cornucopia mindyannbrown / March 15, 2023 / Bread MakingMake your holiday cheese board more interesting by making a Thanksgiving breaded cornucopia. P.S. It’s easier than you may think!
Bread MakingHow to Make Easy Cinnamon Rolls: Recipe for Beginners mindyannbrown / March 15, 2023 / Bread MakingLearn how to make easy cinnamon rolls with this recipe for beginners and wow your family with delicious cinnamon rolls any day of the week!
Self-Sufficient KidsWhy Teach Fossils to Kids: A Simple Survival Lesson mindyannbrown / March 12, 2023 / Self-Sufficient KidsDiscover why it is important to teach fossils to kids and how ecosystems respond to and recover from extinctions from climate changes.
Prep Your PantrySOS Mix is Essential for Your Survival Pantry mindyannbrown / March 11, 2023 / Prep Your PantryKeep this dry SOS mix in your pantry and always have great soup or sauce mix ready for many types of meals just by adding water!