Ultimate Guide on Campfire Safety for Kids

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Campfire safety for kids.

What Is Included in This Post:

Campfire Safety for Kids: Saturate the Area with Water
Campfire Safety for Kids: Keep a Safe Distance from the Fire
Roast Foods Over Fires with Long Roasting Rods

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You come to the campsite for an enjoyable experience, therefore keep everyone safe with these helpful tips on campfire safety for kids. Whether you are at your backyard firepit, family bonfires, or at a campsite campfire, it is your job to keep your kids safe around any fire.

Let’s learn the basic rules for campfire safety for kids.

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Campfire Safety for Kids: Saturate the Area with Water

campfire safety for kids

The surrounding area around your campfires should be saturated with water. Wind can carry away flaming particles and toss them on the ground nearby and could cause a fire if the area is very dry and littered with dry leaves, grass, and twigs.

If you are having the campfire at your home, teach your kids to use the water hose to saturate the surrounding area of the campfire or fire pit. One of my sons loves to roast marshmallows in a portable fire pit and he knows to use the hose to wet the area before he builds his fire. He also keeps the hose nearby just in case he should need it. Don’t worry, I was there with him, after all, I took the picture!

If your campfire is at a campsite, be sure to bring along some jugs of water strictly for use for the campfire. You will need to pour some water around the campfire area to saturate the dry ground. You will also need jugs of water to pour directly onto the campfire when you are done using it. Never leave a campfire lit! Even if the campfire shows signs of it dying out, remember to pour water on it anyway because a small slight of wind could reignite the whole campfire without you knowing it!

Campfire Safety for Kids:

  • Keep a garden hose nearby your campfire, fire pit, or bonfire to saturate the surrounding dry area and to distinguish the fire when you are done.
  • Bring along jugs of water to your campsite campfires to keep the surrounding area wet around the campfire and to distinguish the fire before you leave.

Campfire Safety for Kids: Keep a Safe Distance from the Fire

campfire safety for kids

Sitting around the fire is so much fun and relaxing where special memories are formed. Teach your kids to keep a safe distance from the fire at all times. You want to enjoy the campfire as much as possible and enjoy a stress-free campfire with your family.

Providing your kids with fun camping chairs of their own makes the campfire experience extra special. Camping chairs are very nice because they fold easily and can be piled into the trunk without taking up much space. For years, my kids adored sitting at our campfires in those cute animal camping chairs.

Instruct your kids about the dangers of fires and that they need to keep their distance. Their chairs need to be distanced from the campfire by the length of their legs. If they can extend their legs out from their chairs without touching the campfire, they are sitting at a safe distance to enjoy the fire.

Never allow your kids to run around or near the campfire! They need to know that they can easily trip right into the campfire, which would be devastating. If the campfire is surrounded by large rocks or bricks, never allow them to walk around on top of them. The rocks or bricks could tip and kids can lose their balance and fall into the flames. While these tips seem to be common sense, you would be surprised to know kids play on campfire rings and run around them. I mean, I used to jump over the campfires…

Campfire Safety for Kids:

  • Ensure your kids can sit at the campfire safely with their legs extended without touching the campfire.
  • Teach your kids to never run near or around the campfire.
  • Instruct your kids to never play on the campfire ring.
  • And for goodness’ sake, never allow your daredevil kids to attempt jumping over the campfire! I mean, if I did it, who knows how many other kids do it? It is extremely dangerous! (I lived to tell my tale though!)

Roast Foods Over Fires with Long Roasting Rods


Every kid should have childhood memories of roasting marshmallows over a campfire! Spending time around a campfire is some of my favorite childhood memories. We had many campfires, bonfires, and fire pits when I was growing up in the countryside of Ohio.

When allowing your kids to roast their foods over a campfire, be sure to provide them with long roasting rods. The less they need to reach toward the flames to cook their food, the safer they will remain.

I love those roasting rods with the extended handles! Those are super great to give to each of your kids to roast their food over the campfire. These are some roasting rods that are retractable, making them safe and easy to store and pack on all of your camping trips.

roasted marshmallows


I hope I have inspired you to teach campfire safety for kids to your children to enjoy all of your fun future family campfires!

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The Off Grid Barefoot Girl

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